ISO 14001

Environmental & Sustainability Policy

Axelssons Turisttrafik AB is committed to protecting the environment, complying with laws and other binding requirements, and continuously improving. We approach sustainability from a holistic perspective, encompassing environmental, social, and economic sustainability. Axelssons Turisttrafik aims to:


  • Gradually transition from fossil to renewable energy sources – e.g., from diesel to renewable fuels.
  • Save energy – e.g., driving efficiently, making premises more energy-efficient, YKB, fuel consumption monitoring systems, etc.
  • Purposefully work towards maintaining low resource consumption, low emissions to soil, water, and air, and continuously monitor to proactively address any trends in the opposite direction, e.g., monitoring through the KAM investigation, which indicates trend developments.
  • Avoid and reduce chemicals that can negatively impact our health and environment, e.g., by referencing the chemical list.
  • Strive to make environmentally friendly choices when purchasing goods or services, e.g., through collective purchasing, purchasing procedures.
  • Engage in continuous improvements and comply with laws and binding requirements, e.g., through System C2, improvement groups, via the KAM system, and the list of laws.
  • Systematically work on environmental, occupational health, diversity, gender equality, and accessibility issues, e.g., via the KAM system.
  • Aim for business development and purchases to contribute to local and global sustainable development – planning work, joint fuel purchases.
  • Communicate sustainability efforts in a way that increases engagement and knowledge among employees, customers, and suppliers – e.g., via Depot stops, the intranet, etc.

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